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Energy consumption in the construction industry

The energy consumed by a building throughout its whole life comprises:

Initial embodied energy. The energy consumed to create the building, including; extraction, processing and manufacture, transportation and assembly.

⚠ Recurring embodied energy. That is the energy consumed in refurbishing and maintaining the building during its life.

⚠ Operational energy. The energy consumed in heating, cooling, lighting and powering appliances in the building.

⚠ Demolition energy: The energy consumed in the disposal of the building.

In a domestic context, energy consumption is often attributed to:

Heating, Hot water, Cooling and refrigeration, Lighting, Washing and drying, Cooking, and other electrical loads. The energy supplied for end uses in the building, such as heating, hot water, cooling, lighting, fan and pump power, shall be provided. The energy demands are equivalent to the load demands of the respective rooms. The Building Regulations Output Document generates outputs for heating and cooling energy demands only, excluding other building energy needs. Heating and cooling energy requirements are affected by various factors, such as building fabric heat loss, air tightness, glazing, and shading.

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